Yesterday was my last day at my day job and today I am officially doing A Girl Named Katie full-time.
The decision has been very nerve-wracking to say the least.
Going full-time was a necessary risk for my business and requires a lot of faith in the Lord.
This year I am fully committing myself to trusting Him as He knows the plan for me.
I am a big planner. I love to plan and organize.
So giving that up to God was a challenge for me.
I become anxious and upset when I do not have control over a situation.
I knew that I could not make this decision alone, and frankly, it was not my call to make.
God has already determined when the time was right and has called me to follow his lead.
Which was difficult at first because work was safe, it was my security.
But the call became louder.
I began attending a young adult group with my husband.
I was exhausted from debating my options and trying to control the future.
It was a very emotional evening where all the songs were just what I needed to sing and the message was just what I needed to hear.
During worship I had to sit down. As tears built up in my eyes I prayed that God would help me find an answer that night. I already knew the answer, but I needed it to be clear.
I asked Him to speak loudly and straight-forward with me.
I wanted to be absolutely sure I was following Him.
Worship turned to testimony and a young man with an English accent stood up and addressed us.
His testimony was about God's faithfulness and that he heard the call to leave his country to play music in America. He admitted the first couple years were difficult, sometimes just having enough money to get by.
But he remained faithful to the vision laid on his heart.
Today he is married and a successful musician that has been provided for more than he could have ever imagined. He offered to pray for anyone who was struggling to find their path or to pursue their purpose. I stood up and walked to the front.
Josh and I did not speak until the drive home.
I waited to see if he received the same answer.
After a few minutes he turned to me and said, "You need to quit your job and pursue your business."
It doesn't get much clearer, does it?
The decision was made, yet I waited to submit my notice for two months.
Over those two months it felt like ever sermon was directed at me, constantly reminding me and pushing me to the final step.
Trust God like Mary. Submit yourself to His calling. He provides for those who work for Him. Etc.
So here it goes!
Leaving my last day of work was like jumping off a cliff.
I still feel like I am falling. But I know He will catch me.
I am trying not to let myself worry about the future, because I know He has great things planned and He will reveal them to me when it is time.
Sometimes, as a human, it is difficult to let go.
To trust in the Lord's plan when we have our own ideas.
It is impossible to do it alone.
Each of us need Him more than anything.
No one can replace Him in our lives.
Trust Him.
And thank you to everyone who has supported me with encouraging words, hugs, and excitement!
You are the best!
With love,