April 22, 2014

You remember me?

So... I've been kinda terrible at posting weekly updates because I have trying to stay away from the blogging world while I prepare for my shows because I feel I can get quite distracted by it. I mean, the blog itself could be one business. But I created this blog to go along with my business. Be it's companion. It's friend if you will.

The truth is... I miss writing my blog.
The blog gives me a reason to make fun sewing projects a priority.
It allows me to take time to bake and put together something pretty, just because.
Sometimes I feel like my hobby of sewing is my work and I never stop working because that is seriously all I want to do. But just now I realized, that my blog is my hobby outside of "work."

So I am hoping to find a little more time for my blog again now that we have one show under my belt. Hopefully I will begin to gain confidence about the other upcoming shows and can allow myself some "chill time" for my hobby.

And I am going to start that right now with a this little list.
Because I enjoy getting to know other blogger's through their lists and their day in the life posts.
Some of my readers know me personally and read my blog to keep up with my life. 
But for others this is the way they meet me and learn about me.
So here we go! My first list!

MAKING handbags. All day everyday.
COOKING Muffins. I think muffins are the best.
DRINKING Today, hot chocolate & coffee. (together!)
READING new blogs and meeting new people
WANTING an accent table for our living room
LOOKING for new inspiration to start designing again
PLAYING how long can I avoid the grocery store
WASTING my time worrying when I just need faith
SEWING an Olivia Pope inspired dress. Almost done!
WISHING I had time to work on my patio project
ENJOYING the donuts my mom shared with me
WAITING for my coffee to kick in
LIKING my collection of lace I can't wait to use
WONDERING what Glenside has to offer 
LOVING my husband who is so supportive of me
HOPING I will make a positive impression
MARVELING at how beautiful life is
NEEDING to relax and take time for little pleasures
SMELLING fresh laundry. I enjoy doing laundry...
WEARING dinosaur p-jams. Don't judge.
FOLLOWING my Heavenly Father, for he knows all.
NOTICING the time and my to-do list
KNOWING that there is a reason I do what I do
THINKING about painting my desk
BOOKMARKING places to explore and things to try
OPENING a box of gorgeous hand-dyed velvet
GIGGLING this lobster skirt Tilly made
FEELING excited take on another day

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